There are Things Besides Running (I Hear)


Like previously threatened, the running is beginning to pick up! March was still rather less than spectacular (43 miles total), but still better than January and February. And April is shaping up to be a real hum-dinger! This is the month where the races really kick in, and knowing I have a long run/race three out of four weekends this month means I will have to keep the pace up during the week, or I’ll hate my life as I trudge along for 10-13 miles at a time!

I have, however, been making some other improvements in my training too. Namely, I am actually starting to cross-train, something I haven’t done in yeaaarrrssss….. And you know what? It feels good! I’m still in the early stages, and so don’t yet feel stronger or anything, but I DO feel sore after each workout and that’s a great feeling. Increasingly over the last few weeks I’ve been adding in yoga, Bodypump (LOVE IT), and I even got crazy and hired a personal trainer at my local gym. The jury is still out on that decision, but I did pay for it, so at least it will keep me on track.

I struggle with two, somewhat different, priorities when it comes to working out. Primarily I want to be a good, moving more and more towards endurance runner. Yeah, I’d like to get faster and stuff, but really I want to continue to run longer and longer distances more. However, my other objective is pure vanity. Ya’ll, I’m not gonna lie. Summer is coming and I want to look sexy as HELL in a bikini. I know, it’s shallow…. but the heart wants what it wants! Seems you really have to build muscle and clean up diet and stuff in order to accomplish a really awesome body lol. Good motivation.

Another issue I keep debating is that of diet. I strive to be mostly vegan, usually end up more on the vegetarian side, but feel kind of…. yucky after a winter of grains and potatoes and stuff. I mean, I’m not a heavy girl, why do I have a tummy and why is it always bloated? Granted, it would also help to imbibe a little less of the bubbly… I find that I have a tendency to be very extreme about any number of things and then burn out easily. More and more I prove to myself that putting a label or rules on things doesn’t really work for me. I think I’m going to just focus the next few months on eating healthy foods, increasing veggie intake even more, and not stressing about having chicken on a salad. Also – NO BEER. Only wine. And in MUCH more moderation. Bummer.

So, what about you guys? Do you have goals for your fitness/appearance? Does anyone have a good solution for bloating (cause if you do I NEED TO KNOW)? Do you have a diet philosophy?





There are Things Besides Running (I Hear)

2 thoughts on “There are Things Besides Running (I Hear)

    1. emilyjeane says:

      Great goals! I have had the goal of running 100 miles a month for what feels like ages, and still haven’t quite gotten there!

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